
Nothing could be simpler, we take care of EVERYTHING!

Option 1

Shipments & Deposits


Sort & CHECK

Gather the clothes you want to part with, and check that they correspond to our quality charter , they must be IMPECCABLE !

If you would like to know the redemption conditions, click here



After carefully packing your items, you have the choice between:

Shipments are suspended for the moment, we are not tracking 😉
We are working on it!



We check the condition of each item and select the pieces that match the cool, current look of Pinky Chips.

A breakdown of the selected pieces will be sent to you by email.



Payment is immediate in your customer account pot!
* And hop, reuse these pennies to find new nuggets on our Pinky Chips.

Ultra flexible prize pool:

*For parents who wish to resell large size clothing (+10 years), payment can be made by bank transfer.

We are temporarily suspending deposits and shipments.
Following your numerous requests, we are doing everything we can to catch up. Home sorting with our ambassadors continues, do not hesitate to make an appointment.

Option 2

Home collection

To make your life easier, you can call on our ambassador who will come and sort things out for you at home! That’s service!

All you have to do is make an appointment and our ambassador will do EVERYTHING for you. All you have to do is collect the money and place it in your cupboards!

In practice, a contribution of €15 will be deducted from the total redemption amount, for travel and time. A minimum of 30 pieces for sale is requested. *

She will ship the selected items with her directly. Once they arrive at our premises, they will be checked. The statement will be sent to you by email, and your money will be paid into your customer account pot**, within 3 weeks.  

* One collection = 1 trip + max 2 hours of sorting
** Your prize pool has no expiry date and you can use it in several installments, it will be offered to you automatically upon payment. For parents who wish to resell large size clothing (+10 years), payment can be made by bank transfer.

What else?

Our collaboration with

Pinky Chips - Wardrobe empty - Second hand - Children - Kids - Girls - Portrait2
Pinky Chips - Empty wardrobe - Second hand - Children - Kids - Girls - logoprojectplume2023 3 e1678394421375

It is within her missions as Home Organizer that Caroline helps you collect the children's clothes that you no longer need, and checks that they correspond to the Pinky Chips quality charter.

This is why Projet Plume becomes
a Pinky Chips ambassador.

Interested? Contact Caroline